Support and Training
You purchase a turn-key opportunity that has already been tried and tested in the market since 2012 and continues to stay on the forefront of industry advances and changes.
Comprehensive training in all aspects of running a YES LED Lighting license will be given to you by the owner.
Get access to 5 days of in-depth training which will be conducted at the YES Led Center with industry expert and Best Selling author Jody Cloud and his hand picked TEAM of LED experts.
Your 5 Day Training will include but not be limited to:
Your $49,995 buy-in includes a $50,000 value JUST in YES LED Premium quality samples. You will benefit using the YES Brand name and website as well as get access use our highly-regarded, proprietary cutting edge and industry-leading marketing and sales tools that keep YES established as an industry leader.
The risks of setting up a franchised business are substantially reduced when compared to establishing a new business in the same market.
The concept fits very well into today’s License marketplace. It is a business model that allows for a reasonable and realistic initial investment, as a Licensee will be able to operate out of a small commercial location where the inventory can be stored and the business could be managed.
YES LED Lighting is focused on being the leading purveyor of LED lighting products in the world by delivering the highest quality LED Products, Most effective marketing and with the most highly trained licensed business owners.
Founded in 2012, the business was started after careful consideration of other industry segments and market opportunities and after a review of the current adoption rate, competitive landscape and high margins in the LED business, YES LED was launched. Other big-box retailers and some small distributors/local mom and pop businesses were providing a service, but it was not up to (what is now) the YES LED Lighting standard.
We will coordinate the development of advertising materials and strategies for the benefit of all licensee members. YES LED Lighting supplies each licensee with consumer marketing plans and organized materials for use at any level of ownership.
The emergence of the LED industry is a TRILLION dollar plus worldwide lighting conversion, and we here at YES LED Lighting are very serious in our approach to capitalize on this emerging and soon to explode market.
As such the YES TEAM will carefully and thoroughly vet each and every applicant as this is not a come ONE come to ALL opportunity but rather a unique and intentional well-priced opportunity to attract those few with a burning desire to succeed by our side.
YES LED Lighting is looking forward to having you join us at the forefront of the WORLD’s lighting revolution..!